Profile PictureTravis B. Mitchell
$29+ a month

SAGA: The Digital Vault

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SAGA: The Digital Vault

Peek Behind the Scenes

Get access to 100GB+ of films, music, books, voice memos, notes, behind-the-scenes content, and more – both released and unreleased.

It's like you'll get access to my hard drive – I'm dumping a lot of my projects, processes, and processings from the past 8+ years.

Why am I making this available?

Well, I've drawn so much inspiration, education, and honestly courage from peeking behind the scenes at the creative work and progress of others...

  1. My hope is that this will inspire and encourage even one person in the same way – shining a light on hidden dreams, undiscovered ambitions, and inner gifts that have been there all along.

  2. Hopefully, you'll see that there is often a long process behind anything worth doing. Maybe you are a long process. Peeling back the curtain on some of the milestones along my journey may spark faith that your process (no matter how gradual) may just yield something you'll be truly surprised by and grateful for in. Don't give up! Please don't – God is working out powerful things in you when you put your process in his hands. He isn't done with us.

  3. I don't know all that could come from this, but I believe that it will be good. For most of my adult life, much of these things have remained hidden from view. That's been both good and in good timing. But I believe now it's time to invite some to see some of what's been hidden. And as I open these things up, I'm trusting that something beautiful will be sparked as a result, both in you and in me.

Instant Access:

You'll get a Google Drive link. The link will change periodically, so be sure to access it through this webpage ( I'll always email active subscribers with the new link.

I'll be adding new stuff periodically. And the funds simply help support me, my family, and my current projects. If you can't afford to contribute, just let me know ( 😊.

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8+ Years of released, unreleased, and behind-the-scenes:

Voice Memos
Project Files
And More...
Periodically adding more...
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